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The public broadcasting system

Intelligent nc radio series-Touch screen smart radio control center-T-8000

Function characteristics:

T - 8000 nc 12.1 -inch touch screen radio matrix simple operation. All-weather unattended, automatic operation. Large capacity storage function, music can timing output, a weekly cycle function, can realize timing, fixed-point, program and multiple sound source and fire emergency broadcast, etc

Can realize timing, fixed-point, program and multiple sound source and fire emergency broadcast, and other functions, is the first selection of automatic unattended broadcast system of central control equipment, programming control system set, audio input, power output, and other functions in one, a system can be open and close regularly, automatic programming, automatic broadcast radio content (background music, bell, etc.), when emergency disasters occur, the system can automatically breaks into emergency broadcast. More break through the boundaries of time and space of telephone remote control function. Can computer on-line operation, equipped with automatic playback software programming.

S automatic/manual programming control system

S big screen full Chinese menu, light touch keys;

S synchronous broadcasting, partition paging, instant broadcasting;

S weekly cycle, programmable eight each and every day, can accommodate 80 each program;

S has 8 (audio input) X16 road function (output) matrix signal control functions;

S can choose different sound source at different power amplifier channel output, convenient signal switching;

S programmable control every partition, all the way along the power of open and close regularly;

S can be controlled at the same time as many as 16 16 sets of CD/MP3 players, digital tuner, 8 sets of 16 partition matrix, 8 sets of 16 road power supply timing device, such as equipment;

S host equipped with different control peripheral devices, which can realize multiple functions;

S with memory function, no lose when power program, automatic recovery operation.

S unique telephone remote control

S phone remote partition paging;

S telephone remote meetings;

S telephone remote alarm, telephone control open meeting.

S integrated fire emergency broadcast

S fire alarm automatically open system, forced gate;

Automatic recognition s alarm area, unique voice alarm area emergency broadcast;

S with N, N + 1, N + 2,... , the N + / - 5, and other adjacent layer set alarm function;


Previous:Intelligent central controller

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